VERSION=1.2.7 IPSREPO="http://localhost:10000/" wget -c "$VERSION.tar.gz" gtar xzvf SDL_net-$VERSION.tar.gz cd SDL_net-$VERSION export DESTDIR=~/libsdl-net ./configure --prefix=$DESTDIR gmake rm -rf $DESTDIR gmake install cp COPYING ~/ cd ~/ Package ======= cat <libsdl-net.include.$VERSION set value="libsdl-net - small sample cross-platform networking library, with a sample chat client and server application for use with SDL" set name=pkg.description value="libsdl-net - small sample cross-platform networking library, with a sample chat client and server application for use with SDL" set name=pkg.detailed_url value= set name=maintainer value="Vit Hrachovy " set name=upstream set name=upstream_url value= set name=source_url value=$VERSION.tar.gz set name=repository_url value= set name=gui.classification value="Utility" depend fmri=pkg:/SUNWlibsdl@0.5.11-0.105 type=require depend fmri=pkg:/IPSlibsdl-guilib@1.2.1,5.11-1 type=require license $HOME/COPYING license="LGPL2.1" EOF cd ~/ wget # you may go to ~/dosbox and re-make the directory structure so ~/dosbox serves as prefix # or fix the resulting include file later, see the ed command below perl libsdl-net/ >>libsdl-net.include.$VERSION # fix destination paths in include file echo '1,$s/path=/path=\/usr/ w q '|ed libsdl-net.include.$VERSION eval `pkgsend -s $IPSREPO open IPSlibsdl-net@$VERSION-1` if [ $? == 0 ]; then pkgsend -s $IPSREPO include libsdl-net.include.$VERSION pkgsend -s $IPSREPO close else echo "sorry, pkgsend open returned error '$?'" fi # vim:ts=4:sw=4:foldmethod=marker